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Find out who represents you

All Levels of Government

Three different ways

Click here to get your 9-digit zip code, then use it to get all your representatives.

Contactando el Congreso , Directorio para el 108 Congreso de los Estados Unidos.

Call your local Board of Elections or the League of Women Voters.

US House of Representatives

US House of Representatives

US Senate

US Senate

New York State:

US House of Representatives, NY State Assembly, and NY State Senate

Go to the NY State Board of Elections Search page. Not all browsers can display this page. If your browser can display it, the left side will show the New York State map, and the right side will show boxes where you can enter information. Fill in your choices and click "Submit Search."

NY State Assembly

NY State Senate

New York City and Long Island

Go to NYPIRG's home page, click on the map labeled "Who Represents Me?" on the middle left side, and then enter your street address and zip code. This map finder is maintained by the New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG). It displays names and contact information for all your elected officials.

New York City

The League of Women Voters maintains this finder for the five boroughs of NYC.

Home Democracy HR811/S1487 2003-4 2005-7 Key Documents New York About/Contact