New York must do more to implement HAVA


First published: Saturday, April 8, 2006


Regarding the March 17 letter from two state Board of Elections spokesmen, "State committed to implementing HAVA, preserving voters' rights":


As a disability advocate involved with the process for implementing the Help America Vote Act, I find it difficult to accept that the state has made every effort to implement HAVA.


Hundreds of disability advocates tried on numerous occasions to educate all interested parties -- to no avail. We developed voting system survey tools and conducted numerous tests of various voting systems. We presented our findings, provided testimony and attended all of the legislative conference committee meetings -- and we are yet to be heard.


Did they consult with numerous groups, including disability groups? Sure they did, but they did not listen.


The letter states that New York has been a "leader in the certification of voting systems." Within the context of HAVA, that is irrelevant as we have yet to certify one voting system. I should know; I was a member of the HAVA Citizens Advisory Committee -- before being removed by the Board of Elections.


A few months ago, a coalition of civic groups condemned the Board of Election for its consideration of the Liberty DRE computerized voting system, even though the prototype has no voter verified paper ballot with full accessibility features. This is the same flawed system that was overwhelmingly rejected in Ireland. As if allowing a voting system rejected in another country is not enough, the board is now considering an inaccessible, temporary and questionable phone system for voting, which will drain our limited resources without meeting accessibility criteria.


As a New Yorker with a disability, I want the fundamental right to vote privately and independently, as an American citizen.


New Yorkers with disabilities want full access to all voting machines, the ballot and polling places.



Systems Advocate

Independent Living Center of the Hudson Valley Inc.



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