The Q & A written by the
League of Women Voters of the United States (LWVUS) and posted on their website
contains a number of inaccuracies and omissions. Regrettably for the good name of the LWVUS,
the Q & A is being widely distributed.
It is even being used by the LWVUS to lobby one or more co-sponsors of
H.R. 2239 - legislation aimed at making computerized voting machines secure
through the use of voter verified paper ballots - in an effort to get them to
withdraw their sponsorship.
Here are some of the claims
made by the LWVUS that we rebut:
We can trust
the software that runs paperless Direct Electronic Recording (DRE) voting
claim ignores the many problems that have been repeatedly pointed out by
computer scientists, such as software errors (bugs) and malicious code that
could be inserted by a vendor employee or a non-employee who gains access to
the software.
We can trust
the testing and certification of DREs.
are no grounds for such trust, as we have seen with the multitude of problems
that have occurred with DREs.
Furthermore, there are sound technical reasons for why even good software
testing, which we don’t currently have for DREs, is bound to fail.
We cannot
count paper.
conclusion is obviously erroneous, as paper is accurately counted throughout
our society, for example by banks, and in national elections of many other democracies.
Voter Verified
Paper Ballots discriminate against the visually impaired.
LWVUS sometimes claims that the voter will be required to verify his or her
ballot, which is simply untrue.
Furthermore, there are technologies that currently exist that allow a
blind voter to verify his or her paper ballot.
Printers for
Voter Verified Paper Ballots are too expensive and are likely to break down.
note that optical scan ballots are cheaper than DREs, are voter verified, and
do not require printers]. Ironically,
DREs already come with printers that print out so-called ballot images at the
end of an election. If touch screen
voting machines had been better designed to begin with, they could have had
printers that would print out a voter verified paper ballot at the time that
the voter actually casts his or her vote.
In addition, we know how to build highly reliable printers that are very
unlikely to break down, though retrofitting current DREs or replacing them with
secure and reliable machines will cost money.
Ultimately, we must ask how much our democracy is worth. The founders of the LWV suffered and went to
jail in their fight for universal suffrage.
Prior to and during the Civil Rights Movement African Americans were
murdered in the struggle for the right to vote.
Does the LWVUS now argue that we cannot afford the additional cost of
reliable printers to safeguard our vote?
In summary, there is no way
to know in an election using paperless DREs whether or not the votes cast have been correctly recorded and counted.
The Response to the LWVUS
Q & A.
QUESTION: What is the
controversy over Direct Recording Electronic (DRE) voting systems?
LWVUS ANSWER: Some claim that
electronic voting machines are subject to manipulation that will allow votes to
be stolen, and that the only way to protect against this is to have a voter
verified paper trail (VVPT). The concerns come in three areas. First, some say
that a “Trojan Horse” computer chip or special code could be installed in the
voting machine by the manufacturer or another “insider” that would cause votes
to be incorrectly recorded. Second, some suggest that the machine could be
penetrated (“hacked”) or that the management security systems could be bypassed
to allow an outsider to manipulate the voting machine. Finally, some observers
are concerned that linking voting machines electronically or using the Internet
to transmit election results will allow results to be manipulated.
MEMBER RESPONSE: The answer is
incomplete. In addition to the risk of
malicious software, there is a very serious risk that software errors (bugs)
could result in an incorrect recording or tallying of the votes. Errors could easily go undetected since
voters cannot inspect the electronic versions of their votes saved by the
machine. Even detected errors can create
problems if votes have already been lost.
This happened in Wake County, North Carolina in November 2002, when
ES&S machines did not count 436 ballots.
QUESTION: Is this something
that I should worry about, as a voter?
LWVUS ANSWER: There is no
reason to believe that a well-run election system based on DREs will steal your
vote. In fact, modern voting systems like DREs and precinct-count optical scan
voting systems can be much better than the punchcard voting machines and lever
machines that they are replacing. At the same time, it is important that
election officials put management safeguards in place to ensure that all voting
systems function properly.
MEMBER RESPONSE: We agree that
precinct-based optical scan voting machines are certainly better than some of
the older voting machines, and they also provide voter verified paper
ballots. By contrast, there is no way in
an election using paperless DREs for you to know whether or not your vote has
been correctly recorded and counted, even if the election is “well-run.” Your vote could be stolen or simply
incorrectly recorded or counted because of software bugs.
While we have no proof at this
point that outright fraud has occurred, there is no proof that it hasn't. More
importantly, there is no way to audit an election using paperless DREs if fraud
is suspected.
QUESTION: Then why is there
such a debate?
LWVUS ANSWER: The concern about
electronic voting machines taps into deep reservoirs of distrust: distrust of
the election systems that were so flawed in 2000, distrust of new technologies;
and basic distrust of the political system. Many Americans became deeply
concerned after the 2000 election revealed the problems that plague our
election systems. “Hanging chads” were just part of the problem as Americans
learned about such issues as voting machines that don’t work well, poor ballot
design, and people being turned away from the polls because of poor
administration of voter rolls, including erroneous purging. In addition, many
people are uncomfortable with or distrustful of new technologies, even though
we rely on such technologies to fly our airplanes and operate our banking
systems so long as there are appropriate management systems to provide
safeguards. Finally, computer specialists with limited experience with election
systems have focused narrowly on the DRE machines themselves without taking
into account the management systems and safeguards that can protect against
tampering and without acknowledging the problems associated with other voting
systems such as punchcard machines.
MEMBER RESPONSE: Concern about
electronic voting machines stems from knowledge of how easy it is to hide
malicious code within a large and complex piece of software. Finding such code is akin to finding the
proverbial needle in a haystack. In addition,
it is essentially impossible to write a large amount of complex code that is
error-free. That is why the debate was
initiated primarily by Ph.D. computer scientists - people who understand how
computers work and who realize all too well that paperless DREs are extremely
vulnerable. The very technology on which
paperless DREs are based was developed by computer scientists. Comparing opponents of paperless DREs with
people who are afraid to fly airplanes makes as much sense as calling computer
scientists who oppose paperless DREs “Luddites,” as some defenders of paperless
DREs have done.
Many of the problems and risks
about which computer scientists are warning cannot be corrected even with good
management systems and safeguards.
Unfortunately, we have neither good management systems nor safeguards in
place for the current crop of paperless DREs.
Furthermore, while several of
the computer scientists who are raising the alarm against paperless DREs have
extensive knowledge of and experience with election systems, such knowledge is
not necessary if one is analyzing only problems relating to the computers that
run the paperless DREs. To say otherwise
is like saying that a researcher in lung diseases is not qualified to state
that cigarettes can cause lung cancer because that researcher is not also an
expert in arthritis.
QUESTION: What are DREs?
LWVUS ANSWER: Direct Recording
Electronic (DRE) voting systems are one of two types of modern voting machines;
the other is the precinct-count optical scan system. Both these systems are
improvements over older systems such as punchcard machines, lever machines,
paper ballots, central-count optical scan machines and a previous generation of
older computer machines. The DRE is also called a “touchscreen” voting machine
or an electronic voting machine. The voter touches a computer screen to vote
for each candidate or issue, has an opportunity to review the ballot, and then
casts the ballot on the electronic machine.
MEMBER RESPONSE: A voter using
a paperless DRE does not have an opportunity to review his or her ballot. The voter, seeing only a picture of the
ballot on the touch screen, has no way of knowing if the screen image
corresponds to the values that are recorded in the computer. It would not be difficult to program a DRE so
that some of the votes are changed between when the voter “sees” his or her
vote on the screen and when that vote is “written” in the computer.
But the voter need not trust a
paperless touch-screen machine. Avante
produced the first commercially available touch-screen voting machine to
produce a voter-verified paper ballot, and others are being developed.
QUESTION: What are the
advantages of DRE systems?
LWVUS ANSWER: There are a
number of advantages to DRE systems. They can easily be adapted with earphones
and other devices so that persons with disabilities can cast ballots
independently and in private, and they are easily adapted for multiple
languages. They directly record votes so they provide accurate counts, and
there must be a paper record of all the votes cast on each voting system. DREs
provide for “second chance” voting in private, so that a person who makes a
mistake in voting can automatically be notified and make a correction to the
ballot before it is cast. In the case of an “overvote,” where a person
mistakenly votes for more than one candidate for an office such a President,
the machine can automatically prevent the error in the first place. Studies indicate a high degree of acceptance
of DREs by voters, of all ages and ethnic and racial backgrounds, who have used
them. DREs also reduce many of the operational problems in handling paper
ballots that have sometimes led to election irregularities. As discussed in
this document, there is controversy over the security of DRE machines.
record of all votes cast on each voting system” is nothing more than a
print-out at the end of election day of the contents of the computer's
memory. Such a printout is meaningless
if the votes are not recorded correctly initially. In addition, second chance voting is of no
value if the vote is not accurately recorded and counted by the DRE.
QUESTION: What are
precinct-count optical scan voting machines?
ANSWER: Optical scan machines use a ballot printed on special paper that is
then marked by the voter, usually with a #2 pencil or with a special marker.
The ballot is then fed into a counting machine that reflects light off the
markings to scan and count the vote. Central-count optical scan systems, where
the ballots are collected and sent to a central location before being scanned,
cannot provide for “second chance” voting, as is required by the Help America
Vote Act (HAVA), because the voter cannot make a correction to the ballot. With
precinct-count optical scan systems, the voter or an election official puts the
ballot in the scanner at the polling place.
If there is a problem, such as an “overvote,” the scanner returns the
ballot for correction by the voter. Central count is used for mail-in and absentee
QUESTION: What are the
advantages of precinct-count optical scan systems?
LWVUS ANSWER: There are a
number of advantages and disadvantages for precinct-count optical scan
machines. The initial costs of such systems are lower than for DREs, but the
costs of printing the ballots on the special paper raise the costs over the
long run. Because they are based on marking a paper ballot, persons with
physical disabilities and those who are blind or have declining vision, such as
the elderly, have trouble with these systems. In addition, the process for
“second chance” voting is not private: if the scanner sees a problem, the
election official returns the ballot to the voter, a potentially embarrassing
and perhaps intimidating process. Localities with significant numbers of voters
who would benefit from a ballot in a language other than English, but which are
not required by federal law to offer such ballots in those languages because
the number of such voters is not sufficiently large, will not offer ballots in
multiple languages because of the costs of printing the ballots. The optical
scan ballots can be recounted, but there have been reliability and
repeatability concerns in some elections.
storage, security, maintenance, and precinct worker training also are
significantly higher for DREs than for optical scan machines. (See the discussion of Miami-Dade below for a
specific example). Furthermore, it is
possible for people with impaired vision to have voter verified paper ballots
while retaining all the advantages of touch screen voting machines, including
“second chance” voting. For example,
there is a touch screen optical scan ballot marking device manufactured by
Vogue Election Systems that does not record votes internally but instead marks
the optical scan ballot for the voter, thereby protecting against stray or
ambiguous marks, as well as over votes.
As far as reliability is
concerned, according to an assessment by Caltech and the MIT Voting Technology
Project of recent presidential contests, DREs are less reliable than paper
ballots. Punch cards had the highest
uncounted rate at 2.5 percent, followed by electronic/touch screen voting at
2.3 percent, paper ballots at 1.8 percent, and optical scanners tying with lever
machines for the best-in-show error rate of 1.5 percent
QUESTION: What are some of the
safeguards that can protect against a malfunctioning voting machine?
LWVUS ANSWER: Voting machines
are scrutinized by state officials and computer specialists before a machine is
certified for use in their states. Voting machines are also tested to guard
against malfunctions, and management systems guard against error and ensure
that unauthorized personnel do not have access to the machines. Testing and
monitoring typically occurs many times in well-run systems: First, voting
machines must meet nationally certified design standards in most states.
Second, the individual machines are tested when they are delivered by the
manufacturer to election officials. Third, the machines are tested just before
Election Day. Fourth, and especially
important, the machines are monitored during Election Day. Finally, the
machines are tested after Election Day.
Security measures prevent tampering after each stage of the
process. Each of these tests helps guard
against the use of a malfunctioning machine, and, taken together, suggests a
high degree of reliability. Of course, as with any system, if the safeguards
are not followed, then problems can result.
unfortunate that the running of our national elections and the testing of the
software operating on those machines are being handed over to a small handful
of private organizations acting in secret.
The tests might uncover certain types of machine malfunctions, but most
of them do not even examine the software for errors, and therefore cannot
determine if there is buggy or malicious software that could impact the
election. For example, the ES&S
machines that lost 436 ballots in Wake County, NC had been certified.
Furthermore, it is impossible
to put security or reliability into software simply by testing. There are many other requirements relating
both to the nature of the code (e.g. suspicious subroutines) and to the manner
in which it was created (e.g. code inspections and version control).
Regarding the specific claims:
First, the national certified design standards are totally inadequate in terms
of guaranteeing that the voting machines will correctly record and count the
votes. Certification testing is secret
and the results are hidden from the public and from independent computer
security experts.
Even if certification were
adequate, we have seen a number of cases, such as all Diebold paperless DREs
used in California (17 counties in all), in which voting machines have been run
using non-certified code. There are also
reports of non-certified voting systems being used in Ohio and Florida.
Second, state officials and
computer specialists learn very little about the security of the software that
operates the voting machine by “scrutinizing” those machines. They must examine the actual software, just
as a competent doctor would want to examine X-rays to determine the extent of
internal injuries in the victim of an accident.
We know from a study of Diebold
code that was insecurely stored on a publicly accessible Internet site http://avirubin.com/vote.pdf that the official testing is inadequate, the people doing the
testing are most likely not computer security experts, and the testers do NOT
analyze the logic of the software. (Diebold security problems have been independently verified
by reports commissioned from Science Applications International Corporation
(SAIC), Compuware, and RABA Technologies).
Consequently, hidden malicious code would almost certainly escape
the attention of the testers. However, even
if the testers were highly qualified, cleverly concealed malicious code would
be extremely difficult to detect.
Finding such code is akin to finding the proverbial needle in a
Third and fourth, testing the
machines just before and during Election Day is meaningless if the tests
themselves are meaningless. Finally,
tests that help guard against obvious malfunctions of voting machines prove
nothing about non-obvious or hidden malfunctioning. Even if all of the safeguards described by
the LWVUS were to be followed, we would have no way of knowing whether or not
the voting machines accurately recorded and counted the votes.
Facts not discussed by the
LWVUS are:
1. Software (Commercial Off The
Shelf, or COTS) used in commercial products that are utilized by voting
machines is not examined. Yet, over 4000 COTS vulnerabilities were reported in
2000. An issue that the LWVUS has not
discussed is how vendors can install “bug fixes” to COTS used in their systems
and recertify the systems (this is supposed to be done whenever a change is
made), given that bug fixes can be released monthly, weekly, or even
daily. For example, in February, 2004,
Microsoft released several important software patches, including one for a
security vulnerability that is present in every unpatched copy of Windows NT,
Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003.
2. Even if far more appropriate testing were
done, some software bugs would go undetected.
This is because of the fundamental problem that software of any
significant size is very complex, and computer programmers are unable to write
error-free code. Major software vendors
such as Microsoft who devote vast sums of money to correcting software bugs
nonetheless are forced to issue frequent bug fixes.
3. It is very difficult to detect malicious code
that is cleverly hidden in software. For
example, a full-fledged flight simulator was initially undetected in
Microsoft's Excel 97 spreadsheet application.
Furthermore, the lead author of the SAIC
report, Frank Schugar, in testimony before the Maryland House Ways and Means
Committee on Nov 13, 2003 about Diebold software, said that a security audit
would almost certainly fail to detect a carefully planted bit of malicious code
intended to fix elections.
QUESTION: But I have heard that
you can’t test a machine in operation, only in “test mode.” What protects
against a “Trojan Horse” computer chip or code that a manufacturer or other
insider might put in a machine? Couldn’t it be programmed only to manipulate
the vote on Election Day, and not be active at any other time?
LWVUS ANSWER: Voting machines
can be tested in “election” mode. Not only can the tests be designed to
simulate the specific conditions under which the machines will be used on
Election Day, the internal clock on the machine can be adjusted to assure that
the machine “thinks” it is running in real time on Election Day, when it is, in
fact, being tested. Some have suggested that the “Trojan Horse” could contain
its own clock or other mechanism that would activate only on the real Election
Day and that it could bypass the testing. However, computer specialists point
to testing and monitoring on Election Day as an additional safeguard against
this scenario. The best tests include randomly taking a machine out of service
to run “test votes” to verify accuracy.
This should be done with people from all interests represented. Since
current voting machines do not use special technology to guard against external
break-ins, one key safeguard is to ensure that voting machines are not linked
together, or linked on the Internet, because such connections could allow rogue
programs to penetrate the system after testing.
clear what the LWVUS means by “election” mode.
Not only should all internal clocks be reset to the date of the election
(and the machine unable to detect that the clocks had been reset), but also the
testing should simulate the way things happen on Election Day. The votes would have to be entered manually
during the number of hours that voting would take place. Also, the manual entries would have to be
meticulously recorded and executed, since a slight variation in the expected
results could be attributed to faulty record keeping or vote entries.
In reality, the way that most
testing is done would allow a clever programmer to write code to detect that
testing is occurring. Almost all testing
involves at least some automatic (not manual) entry of test votes over a far
shorter time period than the length of the election. And clocks frequently are not reset.
While the best testing would
involve the simultaneous manual testing of a test voting machine on Election
Day, this testing typically is not applied.
For example, in a Feb. 10, 2004 letter written by ten California
Registrars of Voters to the California Secretary of State Kevin Shelley in
response to Shelley’s request for “parallel monitoring” of paperless DREs, the
registrars object to “an unspecified amount of expensive DRE equipment that our
counties purchased for use by the voters on election day [being used] for this
In addition, the LWVUS does not
say what it would recommend if Election Day testing were to turn up
problems. If a test machine were to
record and count votes inaccurately, then all machines would be suspect and the
results of the election would be widely questioned. Would the LWVUS recommend rerunning the
election? What legal provisions would
allow an election to be rerun? How would
anyone know that a rerun election conducted on the same machines would be any
more reliable than the initial election?
These are critical questions that the LWVUS has not addressed.
What would the LWVUS recommend
when problems with DREs are detected during an election? For example, in a November, 2003 election in
Houston, Texas, 12 eSlate voting machines were set up incorrectly. As a result, people who attempted to vote at
the Holiday Inn at 7787 Katy Freeway were given scraps of paper on which to
vote by election judges. As one person
who spent 25 minutes sitting on the floor writing down his choices said,
“They’re making up rules as they go.
It’s unbelievable.” [Quote taken
from an article in the Houston Chronicle.]
QUESTION: What are the
safeguards that protect against outside interference? Couldn’t a
technologically adept voter vote several times?
LWVUS ANSWER: There are a
variety of management safeguards to protect against outside interference. The
most important ways are to ensure that voting machines are not linked together
or linked on the Internet, and that results are not transferred directly from
the machines over phone lines. Isolating each machine ensures that any possible
problem with one machine does not contaminate the system as a whole, making it
much more difficult to affect an election.
Isolating machines from the Internet and from phone lines prevents entry
into a voting system through those routes. Other safeguards include restricting
physical access to machines and setting up polling place operations that
monitor machine usage, including the number of votes being cast. To tamper with
a DRE someone would need to know each of the security systems within the
machine, including codes, formats and storage capacities, and be able to
manipulate them undetected after first gaining sufficient access to spend the
necessary time with the machine. DREs are not an election system unto
themselves; they are simply an instrument within a complex election system. It
is the interaction of the technical, physical, and procedural security measures
that actually secure the voting system, not any one of these measures
alone. The key is to have an overall
system that builds in multiple checks making it improbable that the system will
be tampered with.
machines is a good idea, and some of safeguards mentioned could help prevent an
outsider from tampering with the machines, assuming that the safeguards are
assiduously followed.
While the question addresses
only the threat of outside interference, the far more significant threats are
buggy software and manipulation by an insider.
Since all voting machines of a particular type from the same manufacturer
use identical software, malicious or faulty software could impact all of the
machines used by a particular state - such as Georgia or Maryland. That means that not only the Presidential
electoral votes could be incorrectly reported, but also the results of races
for the Senate, House of Representatives, Governor, and lower level positions
could be modified.
For example, there are people
who question the reported outcome of the State of Georgia’s November 2002
election in which the entire state voted on Diebold machines. Because no paper ballots were produced in the
election, there is no way for the state of Georgia to prove that the reported
winners actually won the election.
While it's true that DREs are
part of an overall system, they are a critical part. If DREs incorrectly record or count the
votes, it doesn't matter what happens in the rest of the system. The reported results will not reflect the
will of the voters.
QUESTION: I heard that the new
Maryland voting system was challenged because of security concerns.
LWVUS ANSWER: The governor of
Maryland ordered a review of Maryland’s new DRE voting systems after a report
from a professor at Johns Hopkins University suggested that security could be
breached. The independent security analysis done for the state by Science Applications
International Corporation (SAIC), an independent IT firm with an international
reputation in IT security, found that DREs can work effectively, but, like all
systems, need good management systems to ensure the reliability and integrity
of the voting process. A number of recommendations were made, including
isolating the system from any network connections, appointing a chief security
officer, developing a formal set of policies and procedures through all
jurisdictions, and creating a formal security plan using recognized “best
practices.” None of the recommendations by SAIC included the use of a voter
verified paper trail (VVPT).
report, which was heavily censored (a fact that appears not to disturb the
LWVUS), contains the following quote:
“The system, as implemented in
policy, procedure, and technology, is at high risk of compromise. Application
of the listed mitigations will reduce the risk to the system. Any computerized
voting system implemented using the present set of policies and procedures
would require these same mitigations.”
page V, Executive Summary, SAIC report on Diebold.
The above quote does not
guarantee that the Diebold machines will be safe and trustworthy, even if the
“listed mitigations” were all to be implemented. In fact, SAIC issued the following
“SAIC cannot guarantee or
assure that risks, vulnerabilities and threats other than those addressed in
this report will not occur nor can we guarantee or assure that, even if the
State of Maryland implements the recommendations we have proposed, the State's
business, facilities, computer networks and systems, software, computer
hardware and other tangible equipment and assets will not be compromised,
damaged or destroyed.” page 12.
Furthermore, quoting from
“Voting security Debated” in http://www.gazette.net/200346/weekend/a_section/187979-1.html
In fact, in a Nov.
13, 2003 hearing by the State of Maryland House Ways and Means Committee, Frank
Schugar, project manager for SAIC, praised Rubin's work [the Hopkins paper] and
said he is “extremely well-versed and well-qualified and probably more so than
I am personally.”
agreed with Rubin that someone could tamper with the program and that it would
be “extremely difficult to detect,” though not impossible.
Schugar refused to
answer when asked if the Diebold system passed muster. SAIC's job was to let the state know the
risks it is taking. “Whether or not those risks are acceptable is a political
decision,” he said.
In other words, the
SAIC report states that at best the recommendations would “reduce the risk to
the system” and that they cannot guarantee even that. The manager for SAIC publicly praised the
work done to reveal the insecurities in the Diebold code. This is hardly the ringing endorsement
implied by the LWVUS.
In January 2004, a
report on security problems with Maryland’s Diebold machines was issued by RABA
Technologies. RABA had been hired by
Maryland to test the security of Diebold machines by attempting to break into
(hack) them using a “Red Team.” Quoting
from a January 29, 2004 article in the New York Times:
authors of the report said that they had expected a higher degree of security
in the design of the machines. “We were genuinely surprised at the basic level
of the exploits” that allowed tampering, said Mr. Wertheimer, a former security
expert for the National Security Agency.
William A. Arbaugh, an assistant professor of computer science at the
University of Maryland and a member of the Red Team exercise, said, “I can say
with confidence that nobody looked at the system with an eye to security who
understands security.”
The new report vindicates a controversial report that found Diebold software
lacked the level of security necessary to safeguard the election process or
even to meet the standard practices of the computing industry, and it underscores
the results of two subsequent studies.
QUESTION: I heard that the
voting machine computer codes are kept secret and that computer professionals
are prohibited from working with the machines by copyright laws and other
regulations. How can we be sure that voting machines work properly if outside
testers cannot get into the systems? Don’t we need “open codes” and to allow
“reverse engineering” in order to test the security of voting machines?
experts, retained by election officials under confidentiality agreements,
currently review and evaluate computer codes and systems in the testing and
evaluation of voting systems. In addition, secrecy is an important security
measure. Limiting access to computer codes in DREs is important in protecting
the voting system. If those who might want to penetrate the system already know
all the details of that system, it is much easier to breach security. “Open
codes” can compromise security. However, it is vital that election officials
have access to all design and other information about voting systems so that
the machines can be certified, tested, and programmed with appropriate ballots.
It is also important that responsible government officials and appropriate
independent test authorities have reviewed the code and have control over the
system, rather than relying on outside manufacturers or suppliers. As in any
system, the expertise of managers and computer specialists is crucial in
monitoring the practices of manufacturers and suppliers.
notion that secrecy is an important security measure is referred to by computer
scientists as “security through obscurity.”
It is well known to be a antithetical to security. As we have learned from many years of study
and experiment in the area of cryptography (the scrambling of messages), the
very best kind of security involves making public the methodology being used
(algorithms) and challenging the best minds to defeat the security. While we are unable to prove mathematically
that any kind of computer-based security is invulnerable, the fact that very
smart and talented people have been unable to “break” a particular kind of
computer security (or cryptography) provides reassurance that the security is
indeed strong.
The argument for “security
through obscurity” rests on the reasonable assumption that there are security
vulnerabilities in the source code, but draws the incorrect conclusion that the
fewer people who know about them the better. This ignores the reality that a
single individual with this knowledge might have the ability to fraudulently
change the outcome of an election.
Opening up the source code to inspection by a wide range of experts
would greatly improve the chances of such vulnerabilities being identified
before they are exploited.
QUESTION: Are election
results transmitted over the Internet? Doesn’t that allow the totals to be
changed by a “hacker?”
LWVUS ANSWER: Most agree
that connecting voting systems on-line substantially increases the risk that
they can be penetrated. That’s why well-managed systems are not kept on-line.
Sometimes unofficial election results are transmitted over the Internet, but
this should not be done directly from the voting machines. Security can be
improved when transmittals are made at random times and are encrypted. More
importantly, in well-run systems official results are computed directly from
the memory cards and are not certified until they are double and triple checked
with results that are not transmitted electronically.
has this one almost right. Random
transmissions and encryption may help, but given the general insecurity of the
Internet, voting results should never be transmitted over the Internet unless
backup results are transmitted via a safer channel.
While results are recorded
on memory cards, those cards themselves are a security risk. It is far easier to swap or discard a memory
card, which is small, than it is to do similar things with a ballot box.
QUESTION: What is a voter
verified paper trail or VVPT?
add-on system that prints out the voter’s individual ballot choices after they
have been cast on the DRE. Proponents of the voter verified paper trail argue
that this allows the voter to confirm his or her votes and that it provides an
opportunity for recounts since the paper record of each individual ballot is
retained by election officials. The term is used interchangeably to refer to
systems that simply provide the individual paper record and systems that would
require that each voter actually verify the paper record of his or her vote.
the supporters of VVPT or Voter Verified Paper Ballots (VVPB) advocates
requiring each voter to verify his or her paper ballot. Yet, elsewhere the LWVUS uses this claim to
argue that blind voters would be discriminated against through the use of
VVPB. This is simply untrue.
Most computer scientists
are advocating a Voter Verified Paper Ballot, not Trail. The contents of the DRE are at best an image
of that ballot. And you don’t need a DRE
to have a VVPB. Optical scan ballots,
for example, are by default voter verified.
Ideally, the VVPB would be
the official ballot, and the results from the DREs would be only
preliminary. At a minimum, some
percentage of voting machines would be selected at random and all of the paper
ballots generated by those machines would be manually counted. (California law requires a manual recount of
1% of the ballots, randomly selected).
If the manual recount were to differ from the results reported by the
machines, then all of the paper ballots would be manually recounted.
Better yet, the VVPBs
would be printed in a form that could be read by optical scan machines. Then they would all be counted by the optical
scanners, which should be manufactured by a different company from the one
making the voting machines. And a small
percentage of ballots would be manually recounted, as described above. In the event that any of the counts did not
match, or in a close election, all of the paper ballots would be manually
QUESTION: Why don’t we
require a voter verified paper trail as part of DRE voting machines? Won’t
having a paper record of every individual vote protect the integrity of the
election system?
LWVUS ANSWER: There are a
number of problems with requiring a voter verified paper trail as part of DREs.
The most significant is that the VVPT does not provide a safeguard against the
supposed problem: a machine that is programmed to record the incorrect vote. If
the machine can be programmed to record the wrong vote, then it can be
programmed to print out a misleading confirmation. Advocates say that the
individual ballot paper confirmation can be recounted, to guard against this
problem. However, a very important problem remains: The VVPT paper ballots are
difficult, if not impossible, to recount consistently, leading to inaccuracies.
The paper printed out from many of the add-on printers for DREs use script
paper, like that in an ATM, or thermofax paper, like that in fax machine. It is
not possible to recount that paper except by hand, a process that is
extraordinarily cumbersome and inaccurate. Even if better paper were used, all
the problems inherent in a paper ballot recount would be in place. These
include questions about mutilated or hard-to-read ballots, the possible loss or
manipulation of the paper ballots, and the fact that no two recounts yield the
same result. In short, the voter verified paper trail does not provide a real
safeguard and it has significant operational problems. The best safeguards are
those discussed above – certification, testing and management systems for DREs,
as well as all other voting systems.
voting machine has been programmed to print out an incorrect paper ballot (“a
misleading confirmation”), then this will be detected by those voters who read
and verify their ballots, thereby detecting that the vote has been incorrectly
recorded. That's the whole idea!
The LWVUS is simply wrong
when they argue that we cannot count paper accurately. Banks appear to have successfully counted
paper money for years. Countries such as
Canada and Switzerland use paper ballots and have reported no difficulties in
counting them. Racetracks and lotteries
deal very well with paper. Who has
decided that the only area in which we can't deal with paper is elections?
Of course if the paper
results were to differ with the results reported by the DREs, then we would
have strong reason to suspect that the DREs are in error. After all, the voter has no way of knowing
how his or her vote is recorded by the DRE, whereas with a VVPB the voter can
read and verify that his or her vote is correctly recorded on the paper ballot.
paperless system? Aren’t there any records?
Help America Vote Act (HAVA) there must be a paper record of each vote from a
DRE voting system. In well-run systems, the printouts with vote totals are
taken throughout Election Day and compared to the total number of votes cast at
the machine, to ensure security. The paper records then provide a backup for
official tabulations of election results. In addition to vote totals, DREs can
print out each individual ballot (without identifying the voter) to provide an
additional security and audit capacity. Not only can this data be printed, it
is saved electronically in multiple formats in multiple locations, so that if
one mechanism fails the information is backed up using another format in
another location. In other words, DREs in well-administered systems provide a
substantial audit capacity for purposes of recounts and authentication.
leadership are aware of the fact that the paper records that are printed out at
the end of the day are worthless as a form of audit or to conduct a
recount. The appropriate word is
“reread,” rather than “recount,” since all that these records do is to reflect
the contents of the machine. If the
contents of the machine have been corrupted, the paper records will also be
The statement about
printing out individual ballots is confusing.
Does the LWVUS now advocate voter verified paper ballots? If not, of what use is the printing out of an
individual ballot if the voter who cast that ballot cannot read the paper
“record” and verify that it is correct?
What does the LWVUS propose to do with the paper records?
The storage of data in
multiple formats and multiple locations is a good form of redundancy (fault
tolerance), but it provides no security if the data has been corrupted before
it was stored in the first place. It
could be of benefit if the initial data are correct, but the security problems
derives from the possibility that the voter's vote could be modified before it
is stored in the internal memory of the machine, in any location and in any
QUESTION: What are some of
the other issues with a requirement for a voter verified paper trail?
important advantage of a DRE system is that it provides an opportunity for
persons with disabilities and people with limited English capacity to vote
privately and independently. The DRE is easily fitted with earphones for an
aural ballot for persons with limited vision, including the elderly, and for
persons with limited reading ability. For persons with physical disabilities,
the computer interface system is easier to use than the optical scan system
which requires the voter to successfully manipulate the marking pencil. For
persons with limited English capacity, DREs can easily be programmed to
accommodate multiple languages. A
requirement for the voter to verify a paper ballot undermines access for
citizens who have trouble seeing or who have limited English capacity, and can
push election officials toward optical scan devices that are not as accessible
for a broader range of citizens.
LWVUS saying that we should not have voter verified paper ballots because
people with vision and language problems may not be able to verify their own
votes? Such a statement ignores the
benefit that accrues to all voters if just some of them verify their
ballots. Verification by sighted voters
should detect problems with incorrect printing of the ballots.
According to an opinion
issued Oct. 10, 2003 by the U.S. Department of Justice regarding HAVA
requirements as they relate to voter verifiable audit trails http://www.usdoj.gov/olc/2003opinions.htm:
ability to verify one's ballot before casting it is essential, cf.
15481(a)(1)(A)(i), but the availability of multiple techniques by which to do
so is not. Disability accommodations
often result in a greater range of methods by which non-disabled persons can
accomplish their goals, yet such accommodations are not deemed to deny equal
opportunities for disabled persons for that reason alone. Consider a building that provides both a set
of stairs and a wheelchair ramp to its outdoor entrance. Non-disabled persons have more means to enter
the building (they can use either the stairs or the ramp), while the
wheelchair-bound person can use only the ramp.
But no one would contend that such a building has deprived disabled
persons of the ‘same opportunity’ to access the building. That is because the essential requirement of
access -- the ability to get to the front door -- is available to all. The means to achieve that end differ, and
non-disabled persons have a greater number of options, but provision of the
ramp suffices to provide disabled persons with a similar (though not
‘identical’) opportunity. So too with
the DRE voting systems, as you have described them.”
Furthermore, it is
technically possible to have voter verified paper ballots that can be verified
by people with vision problems. As
discussed above, Vogue Election Systems (VES) has developed a machine that can
be used by people with vision and language problems just as they would use a
DRE. Instead of tabulating and counting
the votes, the VES machine simply marks an optical scan ballot. That ballot can be read through an optical
scanner with attached earphones and verified by the blind. It can also be verified by the sighted and
counted, both by an optical scan machine and by hand.
There are other possible
technical approaches for allowing people with visual impairments to verify
their votes. For example, with Avante machines
the signal for the printer is split off to the audio as a simultaneous
feed. This means that the audio always
matches the printout.
The bottom line is that it
is possible to design and build computer-based voting machines that are secure
and that provide the visually impaired voters with the ability to verify their
votes. If this is not financially viable
at this time, visually impaired voters still benefit from the ability of other
voters to verify their votes.
QUESTION: Are there
operational questions about the voter verified paper trail?
Printers are among the least reliable of computer system components. They jam,
they need paper, they are slow, and they are an added cost. Long lines are
already a problem in many voting jurisdictions, and printing individual ballots
for confirmation by each voter at the polling place will only exacerbate those
problems, without adding to security.
Voters’ privacy is also at risk each time a printer jams and a poll
worker has to work to remove the paper jam. Finally, the verification process
in this format can be confusing to the voter and has not been fully tested in
polling place operations.
printers can be quite reliable and fast, and election officials can be taught
how to install paper. In the rare case
where the paper jams, the machine can be taken out of service until a new
printer is installed.
This is not rocket
science. We know how to build highly
reliable printers. Admittedly, reliable
printers are more expensive than unreliable ones. So we have to ask ourselves how much our
democracy is worth. The founders of the
LWV, the women and men who suffered and went to jail in the fight for universal
suffrage, thought it was worth a great deal.
Prior to and during the Civil Rights Movement people died in the
struggle for the right to vote. Does the
LWVUS now argue that we cannot afford the additional cost of reliable printers
to safeguard our votes?
QUESTION: Are there
security and accuracy issues with the voter verified paper trail?
LWVUS ANSWER: Yes, there
are significant security issues with a system that requires each voter to
review, in private, an individual piece of paper. Each individual piece of
paper in the voter verified paper trail system must be collected, protected,
and prepared for a recount. As we saw in Florida in 2000, with nearly 6 million
ballots cast in the Presidential election, this is a monumental task, with the
possibility of lost, mangled and manipulated paper ballots. With these well-known
problems with paper recounts, it is more likely that the paper recount would be
in error than the electronically cast ballots from DREs with their required
paper back-up records. In fact, when
asked what would happen if there were a question about the accuracy of results
with a voter verified paper trail system, one manufacturer of such devices, and
an advocate for the VVPT, said that of course they would do a recount using the
electronic systems. They would not even try to recount the individual paper
equally well conclude from Florida 2000 that we should abolish paper currency,
rather than paper ballots. Neither is a
logical conclusion.
As we stated earlier, the
voter is not required to review the voter verified paper ballot, though
hopefully many voters would do so. This
is an option, not a requirement. Of
course the more voters who take the time to verify their ballots, the more
confidence we will have in the reported outcome of the election.
Furthermore, the statement
that it is more likely that a paper recount would be in error than that the
electronically cast ballots from DREs would be in error is indefensible. The whole problem is that we have no way
of knowing how often the DRE counts are in error, because we have no way to
check or audit them. The LWVUS
cannot possibly conclude that there would be more errors in a paper recount,
since they have no way of knowing how many errors there are when the DREs
record and tabulate votes.
While manual recounts that
have not been carefully designed can be inaccurate, there are techniques for
making paper counting efficient, precise, and accurate. It appears that many people running the
recounts in Florida in 2000 were not familiar with these techniques. By contrast, California has had a mandatory
1% recount requirement for quite a while, and there have been no loud
complaints about these counts being inaccurate, even when some voting districts
in California were voting on punchcard machines.
Many countries, such as
Switzerland, Canada, France, and the UK, have been counting paper ballots for
years. Does the LWVUS believe that US
citizens are less capable of counting than, say, Canadians?
Finally, it is very
disheartening that the LWVUS takes the word of voting machine manufacturers
while ignoring essentially the entire computer security community, as well as
the more than 1700 technologists who have signed a petition calling for a
voter-verified audit trail http://verifiedvoting.org/resolution.asp.
Surely the LWVUS does not
feel that they need to serve as advocates for the manufacturers of DREs!
QUESTION: Is there an
issue with certification of machines that can provide a voter verified paper
Approximately 40 states have chosen to follow the federal voluntary standards
for certifying their voting systems. These standards are designed to ensure
that voting machines meet basic reliability and security requirements. These
standards and procedures do not currently provide for a voter verified paper
trail. Developing standards takes a period of time to make sure that issues are
properly addressed. The issues for the VVPT include what kinds of paper would
be used, how it would interface with DRE machines, how the voter would verify
or refuse to verify the paper record, how the individual paper confirmations
would be handled and protected, and a host of other technical issues. Even if a
VVPT requirement were advisable, there are serious practical and legal problems
that must be resolved before moving ahead.
RESPONSE: We agree that there should be sound standards and requirements for
touch screen voting machines that produce a VVPT. However, the implication seems to be that no
voting systems that provide VVPT have been certified. As noted above, certified optical scan voting
machines by default produce voter verified paper ballots. Furthermore, the touch screen Avante Vote-Trakker received FEC/NASED certification on Nov. 6,
thoroughly studying the issue, Kevin Shelley, the California Secretary of
State, has determined that California will have to use voter verified paper
audit trails starting in 2006.
the money allocated by HAVA resulted in a rush to purchase inadequate and
insecure DREs without first taking the time to determine how best to use
computing technology to improve the security and reliability of our
elections. We should immediately halt the
purchase of paperless DREs and start developing proper standards and
requirements for machines that provide a voter verified paper ballot.
QUESTION: Is there any
protection to ensure my ballot says what I intend it to say?
LWVUS ANSWER: The new Help
American Vote Act (HAVA) already requires that voting systems provide for
“second chance” voting by 2006. While many had hoped for an earlier deadline,
the practicalities of changing many voting systems quickly caused Congress to
choose the 2006 deadline. Nonetheless, new machines being purchased now must
meet the “second chance” voting requirement. That requirement means that before
your ballot will be officially cast, you must have the opportunity to review
it, change it, or request a new ballot. The voting system must also notify you
of a possible “overvote” (such as voting for two candidates for President) so
that you can make a correction. For DREs, this process occurs in the privacy of
the polling place, the machine itself is programmed to make it difficult to
make a mistake, and the system gives the opportunity to review the ballot
before it is cast. With optical scan and punchcard ballots, the review function
comes as the paper ballot is sent through a machine with the poll worker and
other voters looking on. Finally, under HAVA, as described above, there must be
a paper record of each vote from each voting system.
answer to the question is it depends on which voting system you are using. There is absolutely no way to ensure that my
ballot is accurately recorded and counted by a paperless DRE. By contrast, optical scan ballots are easily
verified by the voter.
Furthermore, the anti-VVPB
position of the LWVUS contradicts the HAVA requirement of a paper record of
each vote. The claim made by the LWVUS
that the print-outs made at the end of an election are paper records of each
vote from each voting system is specious, since there is no way to know whether
or not those print-outs accurately reflect the votes.
QUESTION: Haven’t we
always relied on paper. What about recounts?
LWVUS ANSWER: Much of the
country has voted on lever machines for the past century. With lever machines,
a recount consists merely of reading the machine again, without the benefit of
an individual record of each vote cast, as DRE systems can provide. Human
errors in reading the machines and counters that stick are real problems for
lever machines. Paper ballots get recounted because of the inherent
inaccuracies associated with the counting of paper ballots. When thousands of pieces of paper are
counted, either by hand or by machine, mistakes are made, and so recounts are
often needed if the margin of victory is small. Punchcards were a major advance
over regular paper ballots because they are counted by machine. The problem, as
we saw in Florida in 2000, is that the marking system (punching through the
paper so the machine can count it) is sometimes incomplete (the “hanging” or
“dimpled” chad). Similarly, optical scan systems sometimes have a marking problem,
because the pencil used is not the correct one and so does not reflect the vote
when the machine scans the paper ballot, or because the voter “incorrectly”
marks the ballot with an X or incompletely marks the ballot. So recounts are
necessary with paper ballots because of the inherent problems with paper
ballots. Electronic machines do not have this problem. The accuracy of the
counting is not really at issue. The issue with electronic systems, as
discussed here, is whether the machine is accurately receiving the information
from the voter. To guard against possible errors after the ballots are cast,
new standards under HAVA require a paper record of each vote, as discussed
above. >From the recount angle, DREs are clearly better than paper-based
systems. Brazil regained trust in the election process by replacing a
fraud-ridden paper system with DREs in the late 1990s.
Electronic machines do indeed eliminate the possibility of a recount. If you think a mistake has been made, tough
luck. Even if you have grounds to
believe that fraud has been committed, there is no way to conduct a
recount. The use of paperless DREs make
it impossible either to prove or to disprove that the reported election results
are correct, as the citizens of Broward County, Florida have learned. In a recent special election for the State
House District 91 seat in Broward County, Ellen Bogdanoff won with only a
twelve-vote margin out of 10,844 votes cast.
Furthermore, there were 134 voters whose votes were not recorded, even
though there was no other race on the ballot.
Because the margin of victory was less than one quarter of a percent,
Florida election law mandates a manual recount.
But since the election was held on paperless ES&S DREs, there was no
way to do a recount. And there was no
way to determine the intent of the 134 voters whose votes were not recorded for
any of the candidates.
Lever machines also
eliminate meaningful recounts and are dangerously flawed. If anything, lever machines are an
illustration of how easy it is for the public to develop a high degree of
confidence in a deeply flawed technology that is subject to serious problems,
including rigged elections.
QUESTION: I’ve heard that
there is a question about election fraud in systems with paper receipts. What’s
that about?
LWVUS ANSWER: If the voter
is given a receipt that shows how he or she voted, then vote-buying schemes can
be very effective and voter intimidation can ensue. Because of the paper record,
the vote buyer knows that the seller voted according to the wishes of the
purchaser. If voters have a record of how they voted, then spouses, employers
and others can ask voters to disclose how they voted or “pay a penalty.” For
these reasons, no system should allow a voter to take a voter verified ballot
confirmation out of the polling place.
RESPONSE: We agree that a voter should not be given a receipt. There is no receipt involved with a VVPB,
since the paper itself is the ballot. If you walk out with your voter verified
paper ballot, then you have essentially not voted.
QUESTION: If a voter
verified paper trail makes people feel good, why not do it?
voter-verified paper trail adds costs and complications to the voting process,
does not add significant security, and undermines disability and language
access. To summarize: First, the voter verified paper trail is not necessary.
Other mechanisms can provide necessary safeguards against security concerns.
Second, the voter verified paper trail doesn’t work. The individual paper
records cannot be used accurately for a recount. Third, the voter verified
paper trail requirement undermines access for persons with disabilities and
limited English skills. Fourth, the
voter verified paper trail doesn’t add reliability to the system at the polling
place. It complicates the polling process while the monitoring of machines
during Election Day provides a similar safeguard. And fifth, the voter verified
paper trail does not address the real election system problems that caused
nearly six percent of votes to be lost in 2000, including registration database
failures, ballot design problems and polling place operations. In short, VVPT
can mislead the public into believing that the paper confirmation is a valid
record of the vote.
RESPONSE: This is not a debate about making “people feel good.” It's a debate about whether or not we can
have confidence that our votes are accurately recorded and counted. All of the LWVUS arguments contained in the
above answer have been rebutted earlier.
While it's true that a Voter Verified Paper Ballot does not address the
issue of registration database failures, neither does a paperless DRE. We all agree that voter registration is an
important issue, but it is irrelevant to this debate.
QUESTION: Our election
system is so important. Shouldn’t we insist that all voting systems have 100
percent accuracy?
should aspire to have perfection in our voting systems and continually work toward
that goal. Technological advances over the years have vastly improved our
voting systems. It would be difficult to imagine counting the millions of votes
that are cast in a Presidential election without those improvements over the
old hand-counted paper ballot. In their day, punchcards and lever machines were
substantial improvements. But they have significant problems, such as “hanging
chads” and mechanical errors. Marking, transporting, storing and counting paper
ballots have been the sources of election irregularities in some areas. And so we are moving to better systems like
DREs and precinct-count optical scan machines.
Improvements will continue to be made even in these systems,
particularly in the area of the “human interface,” to ensure they are “user
RESPONSE: Yes, we should insist on 100 percent accuracy as our goal. We should use technology when it can increase
accuracy, for example in eliminating over votes and stray marks on optical scan
ballots. But, just as we do not trust
technology that cannot be audited for activities ranging from banking to the
lottery, we should not trust technology that cannot be audited for our
QUESTION: What is the role
of the new federal Election Assistance Commission (EAC) set up under HAVA?
LWVUS ANSWER: Once it is
up and operating, the new federal EAC will have authority for the standard
setting process for voting machines, in association with the National Institute
of Standards and with the input of state election directors. The EAC will also
develop best practices for election administration, examine emerging issues in
election reform, and develop guidelines for the state certification process.
The delay in nominating and confirming the four commissioners has delayed the
EAC's work, which would include examination of potential security issues and
deal with certification, testing and administrative practices to ensure voting
machine security.
QUESTION: Why are voter
education programs so important?
LWVUS ANSWER: When voters
have had experience using their voting machines, there are many fewer errors in
properly recording the voters’ intent. Even a machine that does not work
particularly well can have a low error rate if the voter is familiar with the
machine, while even a good voting system can have problems if voters are seeing
it for the first time. Thus voter education programs, that explain how to work
the voting machines and give voters an opportunity to practice and gain
hands-on experience before Election Day, are very important.
QUESTION: What about
Internet voting?
LWVUS ANSWER: Voting over
the Internet raises substantially more security issues because the voting
machines and the official election site can be subject to penetration and manipulation.
Many hope that on-line voting will be a part of future elections, but there are
many issues that must be resolved before we can have confidence in such
RESPONSE: We agree. But the security
risks with Internet voting that must be resolved are so fundamental that they
are not likely be resolved in the near future.
If they are ever resolved, it will be only by a total redesign of
personal computers and the Internet itself.
QUESTION: I’ve heard that
Miami replaced its voting machines after the 2000 election and still had
problems in the 2002 election?
County replaced its punchcard voting machines with new DREs for the 2002
election. Because of inadequate poll worker training, many of the machines were
not plugged in, turned on or warmed up before the primary election, and there
was confusion at the polls. For the general election, county and other
officials were brought in to work at the polls, and the election proceeded more
smoothly. This indicates, once again, how important it is that there be an
integrated approach to improving voting systems. Good machines are needed, but
so too is poll worker training and good administration.
is correct in saying that Miami-Dade had problems in the primary elections
because of inadequately trained poll workers.
However, as was observed by the report of the Miami-Dade Inspector
General on the Sept 10, 2002 primary http://www.miamidadeig.org/reports/voting%20final%20report.pdf, there were also significant problems with the
machines and the software. The Inspector
General’s report concluded that “[T]he debacle [of
the September 10, 2002 primary] was, in
large part, caused by the exorbitant set-up time required by the ES&S
The problem of
the lengthy set-up time required by the ES&S DREs continued into the
November, 2002 election. According to
independent observers from the Center for Democracy http://www.centerfordemocracy.org/mia/MDFNLRPT.pdf, the amount of time required for advanced
preparation in Miami-Dade was extremely lengthy, primarily because the ES&S
iVotronic devices each required 8 to 70 minutes to activate. Since the devices had to be activated separately
and in sequence, the number of person-hours required countywide was
enormous. While most poll workers and
specialists had anticipated that the ADA machines would require 35 minutes to
boot up and the regular machines 5 to 6 minutes, in fact the ADA machines
required 65 to 70 minutes, and the regular devices 6 to 10 minutes.
avoid another election crisis because of extended boot-up time, the County
powered up the voting machines the day before the election. The machines were guarded overnight by
police, with a cost of about $2.1M for approximately 47,500 hours of police
“county and other officials” helped make the November election more successful,
as the LWVUS claims, this comment ignores the fact that the officials were
needed to respond to problems with the machines and that the cost of their
involvement was extraordinarily high.
(The total additional cost for the November election was $3.8M).
according to the County Manager Post-Election Analysis http://www.reformcoalition.org/ressources/Post%20Election%20Analysis&Recommendations.pdf, “Success rates for the use of these
devices by the sight-impaired were not acceptable.” “Numerous problems with audio units including
lengthy opening and activation time, shutdowns, difficulty with navigation, and
failure to read ballot exclusively in selected language.”
The Florida ACLU also
studied the September 2002 Miami-Dade primary http://www.aclufl.org/news_events/archive/2002/racialimpactrelease.cfm. According to
the Miami-Dade Election Reform Commission: “A study of 31 problem precincts
conducted by the Florida ACLU found that 18,752 voters signed the rolls to
vote, but only 17,208 votes were recorded.
This means that a total of 1,544 votes were lost in those precincts, a
lost vote rate of 8.2%. The ACLU
reported that approximately half of the lost votes were from
African-Americans. These lost votes
echoed the failures of the 2000 election.
According to the Miami Herald, the rate of under- and over-votes in
those 31 precincts had been 6.75% in November 2000. The ACLU also reported a large disparity when
the rate of problems at majority black precincts was compared with the rate in
majority non-black precincts.”
In other words, a higher
percentage of African American votes were “lost” by the ES&S machines than
had been lost by the infamous punch card machines. There was no way to determine what the
intention of those voters had been, because there were no paper ballots.
QUESTION: What are the
most important problems in our election systems?
election exposed a large number of very serious problems in our election
systems, from voting machines that don’t work well to poor ballot designs, from
erroneous purges to eligible voters being turned away from the polls because of
poor administration of the voter rolls. According to an official report from
the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (MIT), four to six million votes were lost in the 2000
Presidential election. Between 1.5 and two million were lost because of faulty
voting equipment and confusing ballots, 1.5 to three million were lost because
of voter registration mix ups, and up to one million were lost because of
polling place operations. Congress responded by passing the Help America Vote
Act (HAVA) which requires states to improve election administration and protect
voting rights through new federal requirements, including provisional ballots,
statewide computerized voter lists, "second chance" voting that helps to ensure the proper casting of
ballots, and disability access. In addition, states were required to develop
election reform implementation plans, which each of them has now done. Federal
funding is being provided to implement the reforms described in state
implementation plans.
QUESTION: What’s the
bottom line on DREs?
all voting systems, must be carefully designed and tested, and there must be
rigorous security and management systems. DREs bring important advantages to
the election system, including ease of use, and disability and language access,
while precinct-count optical scan machines can be an option as well for states
upgrading their voting machines.
manufacturers of the current crop of DREs were to employ rigorous security
measures, we would still not know whether or not the results reported by the
machines were an accurate reflection of the voters’ intent because of the unavoidable
risks of malicious or buggy software.
QUESTION: Where can I get
more information?
of Women Voters website, at
http://www.lwv.org/join/elections/hava_resources.html has additional background
information, including papers by recognized experts in the field.
RESPONSE: The LWVUS refuses to print on its website any information that
contradicts its position in support of paperless DREs or any responses from
opponents of paperless DREs, no matter how well documented, even from League
members and world renown scholars. See http://www.verifiedvoting.org for more information
about the risks of DREs.
Questions the LWVUS
Should Have Asked, but Didn’t
Have there been any documented problems with elections using DREs?
ANSWER: Yes! There have been serious
failures in elections conducted on DRE systems in Florida, Mississippi,
Maryland, Virginia and Connecticut involving lost ballots and transposed votes.
example, when the polls opened in Hinds County, Mississippi in November 2003
the electronic voting machines were not working, and there were no back-up
paper ballots. By mid-morning, some
machines were still not working. Voters
had to wait in long lines and to use paper ballots without adequate privacy
protection. People were still standing
in line at 8 PM. On January 21, 2004 the
Mississippi Senate declared the results from the District 29 November election
invalid and voted to rerun the election on Feb. 10, 2004 http://www.verifiedvoting.org/article.asp?id=997).
Have there been cases in which blind voters have had problems using DREs?
ANSWER: Yes. While in principle DREs can be adapted to
enable persons with visual disabilities to cast ballots independently and in
private, doing so is not necessarily easy.
For example, the Miami-Dade County Manager's Post Analysis Report &
Recommendations, pages 10 and 21 http://www.reformcoalition.org/ressources/Post%20Election%20Analysis&Recommendations.pdf states that the audio menu was poor and the
success rate was not acceptable for blind voters using the machines. The report recommended adding headsets &
visible screens for assistants -- which would of course eliminate both privacy
and independence. Miami-Dade currently
has paperless DREs manufactured by ES&S.
Acknowledgments: I would like to thank
David Bowen, Martha Mahoney, Doug Jones, Linda Freedman, Diane Park, Shirley
Jin, Carol Watts, Ellen Theisen, Gen Katz, Ernest Dieterich, and the many
colleagues – computer scientists and LWV members – who have helped me prepare
this response.
Disclaimer: Although I am a member of the League of Women Voters, any
views presented in this document, aside from the LWVUS Question-and-Answer
pairs, are mine alone and are not intended in any way to represent the current
opinion of the League of Women Voters.