Long waiting lines -- not enough machines
Confusing to voters and poll workers
Low turn-out due to cynicism, especially after election outcomes that
are obviously wrong but “that’s what the computer says”
Privatization of public elections – secret software -- equipment that
elections staff, poll workers, voters, and observers don’t understand
Invisible votes – voters can’t see their own legal ballot in the
Invisible vote storage, handling, & counting – observers are shut
Easy to target minority voters for “lost” votes
Never a waiting line – scanning takes seconds
Irregularities/malfunctions easy to discover, understand, prove,
Paper is easy to secure -- with political will and community
Voters mark their own easy-to-understand ballot (like a lottery ticket)
Observers can witness proper storage, handling, and counting
Costs less - 1/3 of touchscreens for initial purchase and continuing
use – won’t take tax money away from community needs
Everyone votes on the same kind of ballot – minorities not identifiable
Get the facts! Take a
position! Protect the vote!
1. Pass a resolution for PBOS (samples www.wheresthepaper.org/ny.html#OrgReso) Send it to
a. County election commissioners, county leaders: Choose PBOS
b. Gov. Spitzer, state assemblymembers & senators: Pass Assemblywoman Galef’s A5170
c. Speaker Christine Quinn, all city council members: Thank you for passing Res. 131
d. Congresspeople, US Senators: Amend HR811, ban DREs, mandate PBOS
e. Mayor Bloomberg: Learn why e-voting is wrong, Endorse PBOS
f. Local newspapers, community groups: inform and activate others
2. Subscribe: New York Voting News from NYVV.org -- email contact@NYVV.org
Daily Voting News from VotersUnite.org -- email jgideon@votersunite.org
3. Learn the issue: briefings for leadership; training sessions for members or staff.
4. Join or contribute to the effort – honorarium to speakers, designate a lobbyist, ???
More info: www.nyvv.org www.WheresThePaper.org
www.VotersUnite.org 4/2/07
Flyer: www.wheresthepaper.org, contact Teresa Hommel, 212 228-3803, admin at wheresthepaper.org