Joan Sanders


November 21, 2006


My name is Joan Sanders. Thank you for this chance to address the issue of our new voting machines.


I read the Daily Voting News from, and there have been so many problems with these electronic voting machines. They just create chaos everywhere they are used around our country.


Even some Florida counties, after several years of elections using electronic voting machines and having problems in each election, want to switch from DREs to the more reliable paper ballots and optical scanners.


We would be idiots to buy the same equipment that no one can figure out. In some reports, even the vendor technicians can't figure out how to make the machines work.


There are so many other reasons for avoiding DREs – the cost, storage space, difficulty of training our election workers to handle them, and so on.


I support the choice of the simpler paper ballots and optical scanners.


Thank you.