Summary of Information about HAVA Funds

Based on the EAC report to Congress, July 2008, for Fiscal Year 2007



Title I Section 102 funds (to replace levers)


States may use HAVA Title I, Section 102 payments only to acquire, via lease or purchase voting systems to replace punch card or lever voting systems that were used to administer the November 2000 Federal general election.


New York received 49,603,917

Spent 0

Received interest of 7,917,105

Total available: 57,521,022



Title I Section 101 funds (NY has already spent most of this money)


States may generally use Title I, Section 101, funds to carry out the following activities:


  1. Complying with the requirements of Title III for uniform and nondiscriminatory election technology and administration requirements.
  2. Improving the administration of elections for Federal office.
  3. Educating voters about voting procedures, voting rights and voting technology.
  4. Training election officials, poll workers and election volunteers.
  5. Developing the state plan for managing requirements payments authorized under HAVA Section 251.
  6. Improving, acquiring, leasing, modifying, or replacing voting systems and technology and methods for casting and counting votes.
  7. Improving the accessibility and quantity of polling places, including providing access for individuals with visual impairments.
  8. Providing assistance to Native Americans, Alaska Native citizens, and individuals with limited proficiency in the English language.
  9. Establishing toll-free telephone hotlines that voters may use to report possible voting fraud and voting rights violations; to obtain general election information; and to process detailed automated information on their own voter registration status, specific polling place locations, and other relevant information.


NY received 16,494,325

Spent 16,240,998 (98.46%)

Received interest of 2,404,177

Total available: 2,657,504


Title II Section 251 funds


States may use Title II, Section 251 funds to carry out the following activities:


1.      Procuring voting systems that comply with the requirements of HAVA Title III, Section 301. A state may use the requirements payments:


-         As a reimbursement for costs incurred in obtaining voting equipment which met the requirements of HAVA Title II, Section 301, if the State obtained the equipment after the November 2000 general election and before the receipt of HAVA funds.

-         As a reimbursement for costs of voting equipment that meets the requirements of HAVA Title III, Section 301, that were incurred pursuant to a multi-year contract on or after January 1, 2001.

-         Implementing provisional voting.

-         Providing required information to voters in the polling place.

-         Developing and implementing a computerized statewide voter registration list.

-         Implementing identification requirements for first-time voters who register to vote by mail.

-         Improving the administration of elections for federal office.


HAVA Section 251(b)(2) allows States to use Section 251 funds to improve the administration of elections for Federal office if they certify to the EAC that they have either: (1) met the requirements of Title III, or (2) will not spend more than the amount of the minimum payment applicable to the State.


New York received $153,414,430

Spent $71,957 (0.05%)

Received interest of $16,992,328

Total available: $170,334,801



NOTE: HAVA Section 301 (a)(3)(c) provides for Title II funds to be used for accessible voting systems that: (C) if purchased with funds made available under subchapter II of this chapter on or after January 1, 2007, meet the voting system standards for disability access.


This means that we have virtually unlimited funding for accessible machines now, even if we return our lever replacement money.


New York must also contribute $8,074,444 in matching funds.