New York Daily News
Sunday, October 14th 2007, 4:00 AM
Controller William Thompson
Rep. Anthiny Weiner
Council Speaker Christine Quinn
Borough President Adolfo Carrion
Rep. Anthony Weiner regularly visits Staten Island - even
though it's not in his district.
And City Council Speaker Christine Quinn has dined with
dozens of deep-pocketed Democrats.
They insist they're just doing their job as public servants,
but their public events and behind-the-scenes schedules obtained by the Daily
News suggest the leading Democrats have another purpose in mind: getting ready
to run for mayor.
"The campaign now isn't being fought on the streets. It
is being fought out at the civic associations, the county dinners, the places
where candidates are building a network of supporters in the city,"
political strategist Evan Stavisky said.
While most voters are preoccupied with the presidential
campaign, potential 2009 mayoral candidates are working quietly to win union
support and woo middle-class voters.
Thompson appears to be shoring up support in the Jewish
community, which votes in larger ratios than other ethnic groups.
Between January and May, Thompson met with 15 Jewish groups
- ranging from an anniversary celebration for a Sephardic community center to a
tour of a Passover matzo bakery. He met with a handful of black and Latino
groups in the same period.
In August, Thompson released a letter expressing
"outrage" at a decision by some British unions to boycott Israeli
"One could say Jews are a swing vote in New York City.
They have helped elect Democratic and Republican mayors, and you have to work
them," political consultant Hank Sheinkopf said.
Cozying up to Jewish voters could also steal votes from
Weiner, who represents Brooklyn and Queens. A fixture at parades, Weiner lost a
2005 mayoral bid but emerged as a powerful contender, particularly among middle-class
voters outside Manhattan.
Not to be outdone, Weiner met with 22 Jewish groups or
rabbis, seven Democratic clubs - including one on Quinn's Chelsea home turf -
and hit Staten Island at least four times between March and September. He was
also a fixture at five union events and three Sen. Hillary Clinton fund-raisers
this year.
When he wasn't meeting with crucial community groups, he
held call-in town hall meetings. The last one, on Aug. 8, attracted a stunning
3,000 callers.
Weiner aides insist the calls are a creative way to hear the
needs of his constituents, but the lawmaker told The News that he would launch
the calls citywide if elected mayor.
Quinn, often seen as a Manhattan liberal, went to Staten
Island twice last month alone - once for a 9/11 memorial and once to meet with
the local chapter of the American Association of University Women.
She is more likely to be spotted in pricey Manhattan
restaurants with potential donors, logging in roughly 30 such sitdowns between
January and August - more than half with well-known supporters of Clinton.
Joining her at most of those meals was Quinn's adviser and
longtime friend Ali Pratt, a former Clinton fund-raiser. In June, the pair had
coffee with the publicist who helped organize Clinton's listening tour before
she ran for Senate.
Quinn has some catching up to do. Thompson got a head start
on fund-raising - he has posted the highest figures in the last few cycles and
has $2.6 million in cash on hand.
Weiner has about $1.9 million, Quinn reported having a $1.2
million war chest and Bronx Borough President Adolfo Carrión has about $1
It's too soon to tell if the early networking will translate
into more votes. In a News survey last spring of seven likely candidates for
mayor, 45% of those polled said they had no idea whom they would back for City
Hall in 2009.
Still, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly took the lead with
14% of the votes, followed by Weiner with 11% and Quinn with 9%. Carrión placed
fourth and Thompson placed sixth.
Carrión, considered a shoo-in for the Hispanic vote but less
well known among whites, has met with Manhattan hedge fund managers to discuss
policy and has been hobnobbing with Clinton in New Hampshire.
Kelly, who received unfavorable reviews in the black
community, recently surfaced at the Rev. Al Sharpton's National Action Network,
fueling speculation he will run for mayor as a Republican.
Quinnipiac University pollster Mickey Carroll says the
mayoral rivals are going "below the radar" to "pay attention to
their constituents and other possibilities. They aren't sneaking around, but
they are working."
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