The Commercial Appeal

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Mayor wants early voting stopped

Calls for audit of machines he says may be faulty


Mayor Willie Herenton said today the Election Commission needs to halt early voting and audit the machines because some may be faulty.


He will make the request at an 11 a.m. news conference today, but James Johnson, election commission administrator, said he will halt the voting only if a court orders it.


Herenton’s prepared statement read, “Numerous calls from citizens have been received, primarily the elderly, that when they cast their vote for their candidate, an alternate name appeared as their vote.”


Early voting began Friday and continues through Sept. 29. Herenton’s statement said more than 6,500 people have voted early so far.


Comment by The comments that follow this article are examples of the state of one part of our culture: hateful, angry, derisive, abusive. Is this the part that considers itself "Christian"? Hate is addictive, and thesefolks are clearly eager for their "fix."